Happy birthday, NHS
An open letter from the Epro team to the NHS

Dear NHS,
Happy birthday! Seventy-two years old. In 1948, few would have believed – or imagined – that a National Health Service that provided physical and mental care for anyone in the country, no matter their income or background, would continue into the next millennium.
Seventy-two years. It’s just one statistic, and thanks to the way that the NHS permeates all of our lives, it doesn’t seem enough.
Almost twenty thousand ambulance staff.
Over one hundred thousand doctors.
Almost three hundred thousand nurses and health visitors.
Technical staff, scientific staff, therapeutic staff: too many roles to list here because so many people contribute their time, skills, and empathy to making the NHS a world-class health organisation.
A study by the Commonwealth Fund in 2017 found the NHS to be the most impressive in the world, even when compared to Australia, Canada, Germany, and Norway.
Rated the best for safe care, equity, and care process, it’s clear that here at Epro, we have much in common with the NHS. A dedication to patients. A drive to do things better each time. Pride in the support we offer.
As each of us at Epro celebrates your seventy second birthday this weekend, we’ll be joining people around the country who are particularly aware of what the NHS does after months of collaborating, as a nation, to stem the tide of COVID-19.
May we never lose this awareness of the sacrifices that everyone in the NHS makes every day they go to work.
Thank you for placing yourselves in harm’s way to care for others.
Here’s to another seventy-two years.
From everyone here at Epro.
Kit Barnes, 02.07.2020