GDE fast follower undertake international, socially distanced ePMA systems integration

When international and internal travel has been near impossible, Wye Valley NHS Trust has successfully implemented a new ePMA system which delivers improved patient safety for prescribing across its four sites.
This systems integration was led by us here at Epro, delivering a best of breed approach for Wye Valley and its thousands of users. This bespoke work was achieved before our dedicated go live on-site visit to maintain social distancing, and is a testament to the integration of the project teams, the adaptability of Wye Valley, and our close partnership with Better.
Stefan Siekierski, Project Manager at Wye Valley NHS Trust, shared: “From signing contracts in January to our pilot in October, the teams at Epro, Better and Wye Valley have worked in close partnership to deliver a high quality system, improving the quality and safety of our patients and staff. We have changed our working model in response to Covid-19 and adapted to an ever changing situation. Keeping to our timescales to date has been a result of collaborative working and the incredible support of Trust staff. ”
Despite the immense scale of this implementation project, our partnership with Better ensured that speed of deployment was matched by quality of delivery. The additional functionality of our Clinical Portal and allergies module were subsidised or in some cases activated at no cost to improve patient safety.

Forming part of Wye Valley’s digital transformation project, the trust follows in the steps of Global Digital Exemplar Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, another Epro and Better client. Utilising our excellent systems integration techniques in collaboration with Better, based in Slovenia, Wye Valley has benefited from Somerset’s blueprint and blazed its own trail through systems integration.
Dr. Francesca Leithold, COO at Epro, commented: “Patient safety is a core value here at Epro, and our collaboration with Better and Wye Valley will now support clinicians as they support patients. After identifying additional opportunities to support the staff at Wye Valley, we also included our Admissions Checklist solutions into our integration, whilst keeping to our originally agreed timelines. We look forward to visiting our partners and continuing to support Wye Valley as they prioritise patient safety.”
Christine Wadsworth, UK Clinical Lead at Better, shared: “I was fortunate to be able to attend the first ward to use ePMA at Wye Valley on the go live date. The ward staff were very well prepared and keen to move from the paper drug charts to electronic prescribing and administration because they recognise the benefits to the patients, to themselves and to the Trust. The ePMA team at Wye Valley along with the teams from Epro and Better have done an incredible job at reaching this point of the project so quickly during very difficult times. I look forward to visiting again when I am able to do so as the Trust rolls out the solution to the other wards.”
As the NHS moves further along its digital transformation journey, partnerships like this – between trust and suppliers – are possible through excellent interoperability and integration that always prioritises patient safety.