Clinical correspondence solutions for speed, safety, and cost recovery.
Revolutionise document creation
Epro Scrik uses a unique combination of structured data, dictation, templating, speech recognition and usability to revolutionise clinical correspondence and document production workflows for clinicians saving time and money.
Scrik brings together a set of first-class clinical modules that enable clinicians to access, create and store patient documentation and notes quickly, whilst ensuring information is easily searchable and presented in the most convenient way possible.
Complicated document production processes become easy to manage through intelligent software that remembers and organises information in structured formats. The impact is that documents can be created with just 3-5 clicks.
Our one-off annual subscription for Epro Scrik allows you to meet your document management targets, irrelevant of volume without incurring additional costs.
Mobile dictation and speech recognition free clinicians from the desktop and support fast effective patient centred care.
Enhancements to clinical correspondence workflows and PAS integration so clinicians spend less time filling in forms:
- Referral to treatment (RTT) outcome capture more accurate tracking and RTT 18-week pathway management
- Procedure recording customised for teams and specialties with automated OPCS-4 or SNOMED coding
- Prescribing and community pharmacy integration
Meet your discharge targets through faster letter production
Make better use of staff time and skills by reducing automating repetitive tasks
Save money on paper, printing and postage
Improve coordination and correspondence with other care providers, such as GPs
Make more informed medical decisions with greater access to current and historical information
Reduce risk of clinical errors by facilitating more legible, complete and accurate information
Increase clinical efficiency with speedy, consistent access to patient information at the point-of-care
Core features
Easily record clinical information through digital dictation and speech recognition
Mobile device compatibility
Chronological view of patient information
View, manage and schedule clinic appointments
Quick access to patient allergies information
Letter auto-complete functionality
Full visibility of patient admissions, transfers and discharges
Scanned document viewer and import link
Safeguard patient information by specialty or department
E-distribution to GPs and other care providers
Powerful reporting functionality
Non-patient correspondence (Personal correspondence for consultants)
Links with the patient administration system -
Basic Reporting
Document Backup
Speech Recognition