Dr Adam Towler contributes to industry report on electronic document management

Our founder and former clinician Dr Adam Towler says usability is a crucial consideration for implementations of Electronic Document Management (EDM) in the NHS, in the latest special report from publication Digital Health.
The report discusses the different approaches to EDM, one of the most challenging areas of hospital digitisation.
Towler argues that to encourage clinical uptake of EDM, systems must provide users with a seamless experience especially when initially moving from paper case notes to an electronic system:
“Think of how quickly you can flick through pages of a large set of case notes. Although they are typically disorganised and they’re not consistent, and they can only be in one place at once whereas electronic forms can be in multiple places, actually you learn tricks for navigating them and finding your way around.”
” you move to a poorly implemented screen version, all the information might be there but if you can’t navigate it easily, or if it slows you down and it’s frustrating, there’s a sense of loss.”
Link to sourceKit Barnes, 18.05.2017